CHEATS for SEEK and Destroy --------------------------- - Immediately after pressing NEW GAME or RESUME hold down Left-Shift, Left-Ctrl and Left-Alt. You will see a simple list that allows you to select a specific mission to play. - In the Objectives Screen, type the word GIMME. Four new gadgets will appear, allowing you to select a specific phase to play. - While in the shop, type CAPO. All future purchases until you leave the shop (or go to the shop for the other vehicle) are now free. - While playing a phase you can hold down certain keys to activate certain cheat codes. To activate an in-game cheat, hold down each of the appropriate keys below. A short message will appear on screen when the cheat is activated. If you want to turn the cheat off, hold down the same keys but also press the TAB key. Name Code Description ---- ---- ----------- AMO R Gives you lots of ammo! MEGA PO Gives your current vehicle the best of all the weapons currently equipped. LIFE PT Gives you loads of hit points immediately and for future phases. Codes Description ----- ----------- P Permanent, lasts until you run seek again T Toggle. Hold down the keys again, and at the same time hold down TAB, to turn the cheat off R Repeat. You can repeatedly keep doing this. O Once. Can only be done once and not toggled. Enjoy Playing Seek and Destroy! P.S. You may want to use SEEK Cheat by øFz to get big weapons in a savegame.